Chook's Classics: Chasing Odysseus by S.D. Gentill

Set in ancient Turkey and Greece, Chasing Odysseus tells the story of four shepherds trying to keep their honour. The Trojans said the shepherds let the Greeks in to destroy Troy and only Odysseus knew the truth. The shepherds followed in their magic ship for 10 years waiting for the right moment to get him to tell the truth about how the Greeks really got into Troy in the giant horse that he made.

The main characters are Hero and her brothers Mac, Ly and Cad and of course Odysseus. All the boys are really funny, but my favourite is Cad. He was really funny and brave when he dared to jump from the window of a castle almost as big as a skyscraper.

It’s a good book for young people especially to read with your mum or dad. There’s nothing really scary (except when you read about Odysseus naked!) and lots of bits that are really funny. I would love to see this book made into a movie. I give it 5/5.

Ed's Comment: Chook is 8 years old and loves nothing better than exploring the classics with his dad. This is Chook's first blog.


  1. Aiden,
    This is a well written review and I'm sure it will inspire others to read this novel.
    Well done.
    Mr Wilson

  2. Hi Aiden

    Great work on your first blog, pretty exciting stuff. Keep up the good work. Good to know about your Greek heritage.

    Lucas and Sarah.

  3. Hi Aiden,

    Your summary of what you have read is fantastic!
    Keep it up and we will see you soon. We love you.

    Nana & Pa

  4. Hello Aiden

    Am so glad you enjoyed Chasing Odysseus. Thank you for a terrific review.


    Sulari (S.D. Gentill)

  5. Hi Aiden,

    You r such a clever boy, I loved reading the summary of your book sounds very interesting when you said nothing really scary and enjoyed the part when Okysseus was naked. I'm might try to read it when I'm on night duty, one night, as long as it is not scary but funny!!! Love u heaps and have fun reading more funny books.

    We love u heaps Nana Jo n Nanu John XX

    P.S. How your little mice going? Give them our regards kido!!!!
